Tape Release 10/20/23
Membership updates:
The Union conducted its business yesterday and has the following report:
Nominations were called for by the Election Committee for the office of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, and there will be an election for the office of President.
Myself as the current President and Desk Technician Demiah Smith will be running for the office of President. The election committee will be reaching out to the candidates to review the rules and will conduct an election, more information will follow. The office of Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer were not challenged, and Rich Winter, Diane Papas and Susan Phillips have been reelected for another three-year term.
The members have accepted the changes to the Bylaws presented by the Bylaw committee of Kevin Blazey, Michelle Damiani, and James Bice. They will go into effect once approved by the National Union. The Executive Board will be reduced from the current 22 positions to 14 positions and to 5 units from 8. Everyone has already been mailed the changes.
Open enrollment for active Frontier members will begin next week on October 25th and run through November 9th. Retirees, open enrollment will begin on November 1st through November 14th. Please review the information provided to you closely as no changes are allowed outside of the open enrollment window.
This is your President John Pusloskie thanking you for calling your Union tape and have a safe weekend everyone.