Category: Retirees

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  • Tape Release 7/15/24

    The Union is saddened to announce the following passings. Retiree Thomas Linehan passed away suddenly on Friday, July 12th at the age of 79….

    July 15, 2024  |  More

    Tape Release 6/10/2024

    Membership updates: A Union Activity Day has been called for this Thursday, June 13th.  The following membership meetings are scheduled throughout the day. 8:30am…

    June 10, 2024  |  More

    Tape Release 5/16/24

    Membership and Retiree updates: Termination CWA Retirement Plan: The distribution forms filled out and collected by the Union have been processed.  What does that…

    May 17, 2024  |  More

    Tape Release 4/19/24

    Tape Release 4/19/24

    Tape Release Friday April 19, 2024 Membership updates: This week Frontiers IT systems were disrupted by unauthorized access impacting your ability to do your…

    April 22, 2024  |  More

    2024 United Way Raffle Winners

    Thank you to all the Frontier Members & Retirees who donated this year!! If you are a winner, please stop by the hall to…

    April 3, 2024  |  More

    Tape Release 3/20/24

    Tape Release Wednesday March 20th, 2024 Membership Updates: By now all members and retired participants of the CWA Retirement Plan should’ve received a packet…

    March 20, 2024  |  More

    Important Tape Release 3/12/24

    CWA Retirement Plan Update: Every active Frontier member will be receiving a notification inviting you to an informational meeting Tuesday March 19th, 2024 at…

    March 12, 2024  |  More

    2024 United Way Drive – Thank you!

    CWA Local 1170 and the Frontier United Way Committee of Jarounda Gamble, Diane Holloway, Demiah Smith, and Fritz Amrhein are excited to announce we…

    March 8, 2024  |  More

    Important CWA Retirement Plan Info

    Tape Release Tuesday, March 5th, 2024 Membership and Retiree updates: In an attempt to clarify who is a participant in the CWA Retirement Plan….

    March 5, 2024  |  More

    Tape Release 3/1/24

    Tape Release 3/1/24

    Frontier has advised us the 2023 bonus is going to be payable Monday, March 11, 2024.  Be on the lookout.   Progress to terminate…

    March 1, 2024  |  More

    Register with CWA Local 1170 to stay up to date on important issues affecting you.