Tape Release 4/19/24
Tape Release Friday April 19, 2024
Membership updates:
This week Frontiers IT systems were disrupted by unauthorized access impacting your ability to do your job throughout the week. Your Union has received no official communication other than at the manager level and work arounds being implemented to keep you productive. I’ve sent a request for information to the manager in the Labor department asking if employee personal information was breached. Once I receive a response it will be communicated out.
Management at the Commercial Support center has notified all Clerks and Desk Techs that they are to report to their former cubicle. The building has been deemed safe for work by the buildings department.
If anyone thinks there is a safety concern, please contact your Union Steward.
Frontier Bargaining is just a few weeks away with meetings scheduled with the Company beginning Monday May 6th. The Union is in the process of ordering t-shirts for everyone with our bargaining slogan. At the forefront of negotiations will be the following:
Contract work and job security
Maintaining high quality affordable benefits and
Cost of living wages
With everyones support we can get a fair contract. When you are mobilized for an activity please do it. We’re all fighting for the same thing!
This is your President John Pusloskie thanking you for calling your Union tape and be safe everyone.