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  • Tape Release 1/20/21

    Tape Release 1/20/21

    Today is a good day for the American worker as Joe Biden has been sworn in as President.  His nominee for Secretary of Labor is former President of Laborers Local 223 and President of the Building Trades Council in Boston.  He has pledged to work to defend worker’s rights, strengthen collective bargaining, create millions of good paying jobs with investment in infrastructure, clean energy and high-tech manufacturing.  He couldn’t be further opposite from the current Secretary of Labor Scalia who is a former corporate attorney for Walmart.

    The Federal Communications Commission has approved Frontier’s bankruptcy plan moving them one step closer to exiting bankruptcy.  We haven’t any further information on any other issues related to Bankruptcy.

    The Local is now open for business as the officers have recovered from a Covid outbreak.  This is your President John Pusloskie, thanking you for calling your Union tape and we are CWA STRONG.

    Register with CWA Local 1170 to stay up to date on important issues affecting you.