Tape Release 11/14/23
Tape Release November 14th, 2023
The Election Committee consisting of Rich Sarkis and Michelle Damiani will be picking up the ballots this Thursday at 5pm and counting them thereafter. The results will be announced Thursday evening.
Sales and Service tech Chris Cordes from the Executive Board has been participating in the CWA Broadband Brigade with other CWA Locals across NYS. His work consists of advocating for the 1 billion dollars of monies allocated to NYS to build out fiber in non-served and underserved areas. The goal is to work with Frontier to attract money to the Rochester area and make sure that the work is done by our Union members, not out of state, out of country contractors. With Chris’s help CWA generated 5,000 calls to the Connect All office of NYS to demand this work be done by Union workers, local employees, and employers with established safety and training programs. You’ll hear more about this work in the future as it will be very important to each and every one of you.
Your Finance Committee of Mike Miceli and Don DePerna, with the guidance of retiree Mark Semrau, are hard at work this week conducting the annual Audit and putting next year’s budget together. A meeting will be called in January to bring it back to the members.
This is your President John Pusloskie thanking you for calling your Union tape and be safe everyone.