Tape Release 1/22/24
Membership Updates:
A membership meeting is being called for Next Thursday, February 1st, times and location as follows. This will be a Union Activity Day for the entire membership.
8:30am and 2pm at the Union Hall – 4061 W. Henrietta Rd.
5:30pm at the RIT Inn and Conference Center, 5257 W. Henrietta Rd.
On the agenda will be:
The 2023-2024 Budget which has been posted to the Union website.
The Finance Committee has proposed a Frontier & AT&T dues increase, as well as some budget cuts.
Information and presentation about the termination of the CWA Local 1170 Retirement plan, rolling it into Frontier’s 401K plan.
Nominations for Officers of the Executive Board, the Members voted to restructure the Board at October’s membership meeting.
Frontier bargaining is also on the horizon. The bargaining survey has been emailed twice to every member. The email came from Survey Monkey, this is not junk or spam mail. Please check your junk email if you don’t find it. It was just resent again this past Friday. We do not ask for much, we need your participation on this for the Bargaining Committee to address the members’ interest.
Also, it has come to our attention that the Frontier just filed its permit with NYS, which allows Frontier to work in State Right of Ways. Every truck should have a printed permit, please request from your supervisor. If your job requires you to be on state Right of Ways, please contact your supervisor for direction, as you could be ticketed.
As you can see there is a lot to address at the upcoming meeting. All the agenda items were reviewed with your Executive Board last week. A notice with information on all the agenda items will be in the mail this week.
This is your President John Pusloskie, thanking you for calling your Union tape, the place where we’re Union and Proud of it.