Tape Release 7/22/22
Membership Updates:
First I’d like to start out by saying my thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the murdered RPD police officer last night. I graduated from high school with officer Mazurkiewicz as well as others within our membership and knew him and his family. He leaves a wife and four kids behind. A very tough day in our community for many reasons and is reflective of how violent our community is right now.
The Mayor of Rochester has called a State of Emergency for gun violence as of yesterday. This means outside agencies have been requested to assist in policing the City of Rochester as well as closing down certain streets for traffic and nightly curfews.
I have requested a meeting with Frontier management and will be working with Director of Operations Larry Washbon, which will include the CNOC, Dispatch, Call outs and Operations to discuss general guidelines for working in the inner City of Rochester, mainly the area served by the Norton, Genesee, Merchants, Lexington and Stone St. central offices. It is the Union’s belief that nobody should be working in these areas after 6pm at night, doubling up where necessary during the day. Being aware of your surroundings is of upmost importance right now, as well as communicating with Dispatch and your supervisors if you feel the job and surroundings are too unsafe to do your work. There will be a heavy police presence in certain areas as they do their investigation and search for the killer. It is likely best to avoid these areas at this time.
I’ll update the tape when I have more information to put out there.
This is your President John Pusloskie thanking you for calling your Union tape.