Join A Union

What it takes to unionize

How long have you been at your job? Are things changing for the better or for the worse?

Everyone deserves to be respected and treated well where they work. Every employer, from the smallest company to the largest corporation should treat employees with dignity and respect, provide good pay, offer benefits and safe working conditions.

Unfortunately, many employers are so concerned with profits and the bottom line that they overlook the welfare of their employees and ignore employee’s satisfaction or input. When you successfully organize, you get a real voice in your workplace and future.

Union members get the legal right to bargain with employers over pay, benefits, health care, employment security, retirement, and other conditions of employment. They can negotiate over policies affecting promotions, job bidding, layoffs, and many other aspects of the job and workplace.

You can improve your employment situation. Watch the following video and learn the steps to unionize.

The Steps

1. Reach out, find out.

Research local unions and determine the best fit for you. Schedule a meeting with a local union representative.

2. Seek out coworkers.

If you have concerns about your workplace, many of your coworkers probably have the same concerns. Seek out these coworkers and discuss these concerns.

3. Develop strategies.

A union representative will assist with developing strategies as to how to bring your coworkers on board and determine any necessary legal steps.

About CWA

The Communications Workers of America represents 700,000 workers in private and public sector employment in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. In 10,000 communities across the United States, CWA members work in telecommunications and information technology, the airline industry, news media, broadcast and cable television, education, health care and public service, law enforcement, manufacturing and other fields.

CWA membership means representation and a voice on the job every day.

At the job site, trained union stewards deal with members’ workplace issues, including handling grievances. Members are further supported by CWA local activists and staff experienced in contract negotiations, work­place health and safety, benefits, education, employee assistance programs (EAP) and more. CWA is a democratic union and workers have a say in their workplace. Members determine their own bargaining goals, elect their own negotiating committees, and vote to ratify the terms of their own negotiated contracts.

Unions start with You. Explore your options today!

CWA Local 1170
4061 W. Henrietta Rd
Rochester, NY 14623

Phone: 585-647-1170

Fax: 585-632-1792

Monday through Friday 8AM – 4:30PM
(Excluding Holidays)

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Tape Release 3/19/25

Hello Brothers & Sisters, this is Vice President Rich Winter.  The post office and postal workers are being threatened with being dismantled and privatized. …

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Local 1170 Retiree Breakfast Gathering

Retiree Breakfast Gathering Sat, April 26th, 2025, 9:30am @ Local 1170 4061 W. Henrietta Rd, Roch, NY 14623 Cost: Free for Club Members $10.00…

April 26, 2025 at 9:30 am  |  More

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