AT&T Bargaining Update
AT&T Mobility
AT&T Mobility workers approved a precedent-setting contract that rolls back offshoring and outsourcing and sets a new standard for wireless retail and call center jobs in America. The contract covers over 21,000 workers in 36 states. CWA members approved the four-year contract by an overwhelming majority.
“When working people have the freedom to join together and negotiate, they can use their power to increase job security and keep good jobs in our communities,” said Dennis G. Trainor, Vice President, CWA District 1. “CWA members at AT&T Wireless should be proud of what they have achieved through their solidarity and persistence.”
During contract negotiations, AT&T wireless workers and community supporters took to the streets to build support for their demands that AT&T invest in its workforce, protect the basic promise of high-quality customer service, and reverse offshoring and outsourcing with a fair contract. Workers forced AT&T to close hundreds of retail stores across the countrywhen they walked off the job in the largest national retail strike in U.S. history.
“This contract shows that wireless workers like me will no longer put up with companies that squeeze workers then use the profits to reward CEOs and wealthy shareholders instead of giving us our fair share of the productivity we bring to our communities and country,” said Brandon Beck, an AT&T wireless retail worker in San Diego, CA.