CWA Local 1170 President’s Report – January 17, 2018
Frontier Updates:
Membership Counts by title as of 12/31/17
Title | Count |
Total | 376 |
Cable Splicers | 16 |
Comm. Coordinators I | 22 |
Comm. Coordinators II | 1 |
Comm. Coordinators III | 7 |
Comm. Clerks | 11 |
Desk Techs | 71 |
Garage Mechanics | 3 |
Line/Splicers | 14 |
Network Techs | 81 |
Power and Bldg Techs | 7 |
Sales and Svc Techs | 143 |
Date of Resignation | Name | Title |
3/3/17 | Harold Sanders | Desk Tech |
4/5/17 | Athena Bolon | Desk Tech |
4/14/17 | James Lynch | Sales and Service tech |
Date of Retirement | Name | Title |
1/3/17 | Jessie Johnson | Communications Coordinator CNOC |
2/17/17 | Cecil Thompson | Sales and Service tech |
4/5/17 | Chuck Kocher | Sales and Service tech |
5/31/17 | Ron LaLoggia | Network/Switch |
5/31/17 | Anthony Gaudio | Sales and Service tech |
5/31/17 | Robert Gartz | Lineman |
5/31/17 | Darryl Dunton | Lineman |
5/31/17 | Henry Montague | Cable Splicer |
5/31/17 | Richard Moon | Cable Splicer |
9/29/17 | Dan Chizuk | Network/Carrier |
9/29/17 | Gerry Kelly | Network/Carrier |
9/29/17 | Regina McCloud | Network/Switch |
9/29/17 | Russell Todd | Network/Carrier |
9/29/17 | Mary Roll | Network/Switch |
9/29/17 | Julio Guasp | Network/Carrier |
9/29/17 | Glenn Miller | Network/Carrier |
9/29/17 | Bob Jennings | Sales and Service |
9/29/17 | Janice Rubsam | Comm. Coordinator II |
LTD Absences
Name | Title |
Robert Brown Jr. | Sales and Service tech |
Guy Marble | Cable Splicer |
Karl Wittman | Network/carrier |
Dave Baliva | Network/switch |
Frontier 2nd Step Grievance Meetings:
November 6, 2017
Sales and Service tech Jim Everts was unjustly terminated.
The Company has denied the grievance at 2nd step.
November 28, 2017
Past practice violation qualifying Network Techs assigned to Carrier after 1 year on the job.
The Company has denied the grievance at 2nd step.
James Wojtarowicz received an unjust written warning.
The Company settled at 2nd step, downgraded to verbal warning.
December 19, 2017
Cable Splicer Peter Loss was unjustly terminated.
Cable Splicer Mike Posadni was unjustly terminated.
The Company has denied both grievances at 2nd step.
Arbitration Update:
- Transfer of bargaining unit work due to M6 Conversion.
- The arbitration has been rescheduled for February 15th and 16th.
- The National Labor Relations Board has issued a complaint against Frontier for not responding to the Union’s information request in the matter. The case is scheduled to go to trial January 2018.
- Grievance 7-1472-17 – The Union has appealed to the National for arbitration
Take the Lead Sales Monthly Reports:
January 1st, 2017 – December 31st, 2017
Received year-end report on December 31st, 2017
YTD Leads | YTD Sales | Total Revenue | Annualized Revenue |
981 | 409 | $541,182.00 | 364,259.00 |
The membership hit the $300,000.00 threshold to receive a bonus based on .5% of payroll with 60% of the membership participating therefore hitting a payout of $304.20 paid on 12/28/17.
Managerial Changes:
The Company has hired a new supervisor to manage the CPE group in the Commercial Support center.
The Company reduced the Sr. Leadership in operations from 7 to 4, with SR. Vice President of operations Chris Levandos replacing Paul Quick as head of the Eastern Region.
Commercial NOC Center:
Frontier Updates:
Frontier Updates November 15th thru January 17th, 2018
Frontier notified the Union of another force reduction on December 13, 2017. The Company initially declared a force reduction of 32 and later reduced it to 30. The following issues were addressed during the course of the 3 weeks.
- Communications Coordinator II, declare a surplus then poll for a backfill
- Employees who received previous severance allowance
- Employees volunteering to leave and not counting towards surplus
- Volunteers who leave get severance allowance of most sr. person impacted
- Health insurance stopping on January 6th and Post 65 not starting until February 1st.
- The following employees volunteered by the December 28th Deadline:
- Network techs
- Ken Guarino
- Don Sharon
- Mark Rose
- Walt Piskorowski
- Mary Jane Linehan
- Mark Bauman
- Sales and Service techs
- Rich Bills
- Charlie Lapple
- Jeff Leshner
- Robert Brown Jr.
- Robert Battaglia
- John Lester
- Jerry Fortman
- Tom Tartaglia
- Dave DeRoller
- Communications Coordinator II
- Wordene Day
- Communications Clerk
- Mary Maslyn
- Sandra Strothers
- Cable Splicer
- Doug Perrine
- Eleven members were laid off after the Bumping procedure was implemented
- Sales and Service techs
- Dustin Newman
- Derrick Ryder
- James Repass
- Jeff Berger
- Joe Bahamonde
- Network Techs
- Mark Sanfilippo
- Matt Wylie
- Desk Techs
- Mary Beth Clear
- Mark Ebertz
- Joe Braband
- Cable Splicer
- Richard Felber Jr.
Safety Committee
No report
Affiliate Report
AT&T Mobility
On December 21st, the National Union reached a tentative agreement covering 21,000 members nationwide on a new 4-year contract. The National touted it as a groundbreaking agreement meeting the members demands in regards to the following:
Wages, signing bonus, Job security, bringing jobs back from overseas, trialing small cell site work, a negotiated health care plan, further limitations on observations and employee surveillance. On January 12th, the contract was overwhelmingly ratified.
Town of Greece
Gold Badge Club
The Current CBA terminates December 31, 2017
A new 5-year agreement was reached and ratified by the members effective January 1st, 2018. General wage increases of 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.75, 1.75 along with maintenance of quality affordable Health insurance. The Health care plan will be going from a copay to a High Deductible fully funded for the first 3 years, along with the plan being fully funded in retirement.
Greece Part Time Unit
The current contract expired December 31st, 2013. After failing to get an agreement in two mediation sessions the Union requested fact finding. The fact-finding hearing scheduled for December 21st was cancelled and the parties are trying to get another date.
Town of Greece Crossing Guards
The contract expired on December 31st, 2016, the Union is contemplating declaring Impasse.
City of Canandaigua DPW
No updates to report.
Town of Canandaigua Employees Highway Association
No updates to report.
Town of Henrietta
The Union has introduced a grievance at first step with the Commissioner of Public Works concerning the hiring of an MEO bypassing laborers. There has been a long-standing practice has been to promote Laborers before hiring off the street.
The Union introduced a grievance on two employees being bypassed for promotions.
Village of Waterloo PBA
The Union and Village held negotiations on November 8th. No progress was made and the parties continue to try and negotiate to reach a settlement.
Town of Groveland Highway Association
The Union reached a new 4-year agreement: Highlights include the following
Wages 2.5% per year over the next 4 years
Fully funded High Deductible plan.
Company paid Vision plan for the first time.
Town of Bristol Highway Association
After two meetings, the parties reached terms on a 1 year contract.
1% wage increase, increase to longevity, and employees who reach 8 years of service will have their health insurance monthly contributions reduced by 10%, New hires will contribute 25%.
Town of Conesus
A new 4-year agreement was reached and ratified with some of the following highlights:
General wage increases of 2% per year for 4 years, Maintenance of current health insurance plan with no change to current employee contributions, new hires will pay 25%. Increase in Longevity payments, a $2500 yearly HRA account to replenished January 1st of each year.
Political Action Work
No updates.
Membership Meeting has been called for February 8th.