Tape Release December 14, 2017
Frontier has notified your Union that they are going to declare a surplus of 32 people within the next day or two. The following Job titles are impacted.
Sales and Service 12
Network techs 12
Cable Splicers 6
Communications Coordinators II 1
Communications Clerk 1
Each employee in these job classifications will receive an email within a day or two detailing your severance payments. Parts of the form are confusing when it comes to choosing retiree Health Insurance, Please call with any questions.
We have contacted the National Union who has committed CWA Legal to make sure the contract isn’t being violated and we will be pushing to get rid of contractors where are members can perform the work.
This announcement feels like a punch in the gut, to everyone who has committed their lives to this Company, with little concern for our families this holiday season. The reality is this Company is not doing well. I’ve been saying for over a year for everyone to get their finances in order. Your Union has tried for years to give the company ideas only to have our suggestions fall on deaf ears. So now were at where we’re are at, at no fault of yours.
We will need the solidarity of everyone now more than ever to face the challenges that lie ahead.
This is your President John Pusloskie, thanking you for calling your Union tape, the place where were Union and Proud of it.