Tape Release 4/29/22
Membership updates:
Members have until midnight tonight to submit your forms to participate in the severance offering. I’ve been notified that those who are being accepted will be contacted by the Company on Monday via email and phone. The last workday will be Tuesday May 3rd. As of today, based on information that we have, it looks like the Company will get its numbers in the Network tech and Sales and Service tech title, the Communication Coordinator I title I’m not sure at this time. All this is subject to the change as we do not have confirmation from some on their decision.
Based on the Company not providing information to Milliman until you have a termination date, I’d hold off on contacting them until after Tuesday of next week. The Union is looking for a meeting location to hold an in-person session to assist any that need help with medical information. We will have more information next week in regard to this.
I want to thank all members who will be leaving us for your membership and participation to our Union. We have accomplished a great deal together, it’s been a good ride.
The polling has been completed for the construction jobs and the Union will be finalizing the show of interest list next week, as we’ll know the participants in the severance, several of who put in for both splicing and the severance.
The honor has been mine to be your President for the past 14 years, I’ll miss you all.
This is your President John Pusloskie thanking you for your solidarity and WE ARE CWA STRONG.