Tape Release 3/20/24
Tape Release Wednesday March 20th, 2024
Membership Updates:
By now all members and retired participants of the CWA Retirement Plan should’ve received a packet in the mail with the forms to be filled out and instructions along with it, so, a couple of things:
The forms have to be filled out and delivered to the Union hall by April 15th.
If you decide to rollover your funds to Frontier’s 401k with fidelity, both the Burke Group and the Fidelity form need to be filled out.
If you are married, the Spousal consent waiver must be signed by your spouse. It has to either by notarized or Sue Phillips and I can sign as plan administrators.
A meeting is being scheduled for all retired terminated participants for Tuesday, March 26th, 2024, 8am and 10am, at Frontier Operations Center, 3441 W. Henrietta Rd. 2nd Floor Mtg Room 221.
If you are an active employee and missed this week’s meeting, please call in and we can get you scheduled for one of the meetings next Tuesday.
For those who work off shifts and cannot travel, we are in the process of scheduling a Microsoft Teams meeting, a date and time hasn’t been selected yet. Please contact us at the office if this is something you’re interested in.
Again all forms have to be delivered to the Union office including the Fidelity Form by April 15th, the sooner the better.
Diane Papas and Sue Phillips are at the Union Hall all week if you have any questions.
This is your President John Pusloskie, thanking you for calling your Union tape and be safe everyone.