President’s Report 5/19/21
President’s Report
May 19th, 2021
Frontier Updates:
Membership Counts by Title as of 04/30/21
Title | Count |
Total | 294 |
Cable Splicers | 12 |
Comm. Coordinators I | 18 |
Comm. Coordinators II | 1 |
Comm. Coordinators III | 4 |
Comm. Clerks | 8 |
Desk Techs | 62 |
Garage Mechanics | 2 |
Line/Splicers | 12 |
Network Techs | 63 |
Power and Bldg Techs | 6 |
Sales and Svc Techs | 110 |
Resignations 2021
Date | Name | Title |
Date | Name | Title |
11/20/20 | Bill Powers | Power and buildings tech |
1/31/21 | Kip Drennon | Network/Carrier |
2/1/21 | Paula Slade | Comm.Coor III engr-clerk |
3/7/21 | Robert Paternico | Network/Carrier |
4/16/21 | Dave Knab | Network/Carrier |
5/14/21 | Terry Inscho | Network/CO installer |
5/28/21 | Yana O’Brien | Comm. Clerk- Time Reporting |
6/10/21 | Robert Folts | Network/Carrier |
Voluntary Severance:
Date | Name | Title |
Date | Name | Title |
01/31/21 | Joe Girod | Sales and Service |
LTD Absences
Name | Title | Date of LTD |
Dave Markwitz | Sales and Service tech | |
Dave Menge | Sales and Service tech | |
John Daly | Sales and Service tech | |
Tony Alfano | Sales and Service tech | |
Anthony Daprile | Sales and Service tech |
Return from Long term disabilities:
Name | Title | Date of Return |
Don Mann | Network/Carrier | 2/15/21
Sean Kennedy | Cable Splicer | 4/3/21 |
Frontier 2nd Step Grievance Meetings:
No Second Step hearings have been held in November, December or January 2021 as no grievances were advanced to this stage of the process. There were no 2nd step requests for the month of February as well. The Grievance report for 2020 will drop off the March Presidents report.
March 16th, 2021 held via conference call.
Grievance 1-786-21: The Union became aware that a fiber cable was run from colocation at Plymouth ave. AT&T to Frontier cable vault at Fitzhugh St. Another fiber cable and racking was run from AT&T colocate room on first floor of Plymouth Ave to basement. All work was performed by non bargaining unit employees or contractors in violation of the CBA. To date the Company hasn’t answered the grievance.
April 20th, 2021 held at W. Henrietta Rd.
Grievance 7-1491-21: The Union grieved the 5-day suspension and written warning of Sales and Service tech John Fridd. On May 17, 2021 we received the Company response sustaining the 5-day suspension and written warning, with modifications to the language of the warning. The Union will review further.
May 18th, 2021 held via conference call. The Unions grievance committee consisted of Mike Sutphen, Steve Spector, Rich Winter, John Pusloskie, Diane Papas, and Sue Phillips.
Grievance 4-950-21: Chris Cordes filed a grievance that he was unreasonable denied fiber splicing training in violation of the CBA, Principles governing training.
First step Grievance settlements:
Closed Out:
Arbitration Update Frontier:
- Grievance 7-1479-18 Unilateral change to Long term disability income capping it at $3,000 per month. The grievance was protected for arbitration on May 15, 2018 and is now in the CWA review process.
- On October 18th, the Union received a letter from Human Resources that they are not willing to settle and the grievance is untimely.
- Now becoming an issue as 9 people are out on LTD and 50% of monthly wage is above $3,000.00
- The grievance was approved for Arbitration at the CWA Area Director level on February 22, 2021.
- Grievance 2-2585-18 Unjust Layoff of Network tech Ernie Magar NCS 8/15/2016. The Local requested arbitration on June 21st, 2018. Sue Phillips has taken the lead on investigating and presenting this case.
- Grievance 7-1482-18 Unjust termination of Desk Tech Marnye Knight on April 19th, 2018. The Local requested arbitration on August 15th, 2018 protecting time limits. On October 16th,2018 the Union sent a letter requesting Marnye Knight be reinstated based on Prudential approving loss of benefits thru April 30th beyond the April 19th termination date. The Company has rejected the Unions request. CWA Staff and Area Rep Shawn Leblanc and Deb Hayes have approved the case. The Union and Frontier are in the process of scheduling a date for Arbitration. The Arbitration has been scheduled for May 26th, 2021.
- Grievance 3-4162-18 On August 31st 2018 the Union requested arbitration on Frontier contractors, management and other employees performing clerical work. The grievance was approved at the area director level on February 22nd, 2021.
- Grievance 7-1485-19 Unjust termination of Sales and Service tech Brian Hart on October 17th, 2018. The Union sent a letter to Frontier dated March 11th 2019 requesting arbitration on this grievance. The grievance was approved for arbitration at the area director level on February 22nd, 2021.
- Grievance 2-2595-19, The Company issued Demiah Smith an unfair/unjust 10-day suspension and final warning. The Union filed its letter with Frontier on February 12, 2020 with our intent to arbitrate the issue. On December 10,2020 Area Director Deb Hayes approved case.
- Grievance 3-4169-19, The Company moved bargained for work of the Communications Coordinator 1 title at the Commercial Customer Support Center in Rochester to West Virginia. The Union filed its letter with Frontier on February 28th, 2020 with our intent to arbitrate the issue. The National Union approved the grievance for Arbitration on 2/25/21. At the Area Director level.
- Grievance 3-4170-19, Rhonda Banks received an unjust final warning and 5 days suspension. The Union sent the letter requesting arbitration on May 28th, 2020.
- The National approved the case at the area director level on February 22, 2021
- Grievance 3-4173-20, Rhonda Banks was unjustly terminated on September 17th, 2020.
- The National approved the case at the area director level on February 18th, 2021.
- Grievance 5-365-20 Unreasonably denied fiber splicing training. January 12th, 2021 letter requesting arbitration, sent to Frontier. The grievance was approved at the CWA Area director level on February 22, 2021.
Take the Lead Sales Monthly Reports 2020
Referrals Sales Total Revenue Annualized Revenue
The December 15th report to determine the Bonus had the following results. Total Revenue generated by 1170 members was $105,436 and annualized Revenue came in at $86,265. Annualized revenue needed to hit the lowest bonus target is $300,000.00. In addition, only 23% of the members participated missing the minimum requirement of 40% participation. Very disappointing!
Managerial Changes and realignments 2021
February: Director of operations Larry Washbon realigned his reportables and reassigned his supervisors to various work groups.
The Network-Carrier group was realigned under the Central Office operations rolling up under Director Brian Tasey stationed out of Connecticut.
Construction Clerks: Sue Bovenzi, Carol Lanos-Brown, and Michelle Anthony have been assigned to a new supervisor, Patrick DiGangi.
Management has been realigned to have a 1 to 24 ratio of frontline supervisors to employees.
Communication Coordinator 1’s reporting out of the Commercial customer support center have a new supervisor, Paul Varga replacing Jason Cox.
March Changes:
Dave Billone Sales and Supervisor has given his two week notice the week of March 17th.
David Contestato Director of payroll in Rochester has resigned effective March 19th.
May Changes:
Steve Gable Sr. Vice President and chief information and technology officer has resigned effective May 21, 2021
Commercial NOC Center:
February 2021, issues have come up with employees complaining about the cleaning contractors not doing their job and the timely notification of covid 19 positive tests.
Frontier Updates
- On April 4th and April 10th, eighteen Sales and Service techs who were pulled were transferred for up to 60 days to Cable Splicing.
- The Union had to request multiple times to get transfer paperwork.
- On May 17th, 4 Sales and Service techs were polled for a two week out of town assignment.
- On May 18th a labor management meeting was held with the following Union reps in attendance.
- Patti Roberts, Diane Holloway, Lisa Tantalo, Sue Phillips, Diane Papas, Rich Winter, John Pusloskie, Mike Sutphen, and Steve Spector.
- The following agenda was discussed:
- Engineering Clerk vacancy, polling and promotion
- Engineering clerk contracting of final posting to Squann and tesing Dicom.
- Estimated 17, 000 double poles
- Backlog, of 7800 jobs in NY
- The estimated duration is October 1st
- The Company is offering 13 hours of overtime per week
- One new engineering clerk has been hired
- One vacancy needs to be filled
- Buried Wire contracting
- The Union requested data on how many drops and the cost of doing it to assess whether the work can be brought in house
- Repair checklist
- Currently those that fall into certain metrics are required to fill out a checklist after every job. Director of operations Larry Washbon mentioned expanding the requirement to every technician for every job via tech portal.
- Retiree discounts for internet service, working with Labor relations to verify what is the base discount for retirees. A representative for the Company communicated to one of our retirees that it is for 6 meg service only.
- Frontier announced that the Judge has appoved their 5th amendment to their bankruptcy plan allowing them to exit the process as of April 30th.
- Frontier has a new parent Company
- Frontier has a new board of directors
- With the funding of the pension plan being less than 80%, restrictions have been put in place concerning the Death Benefit for those who retired before 12/31/96. Recipients can only receive 50% of the lump sum benefit and the rest in monthly payments until the plan is funded at 80%.
- CWA Reps and attorney have prepared for the Arbitration concerning the termination of Marnye Knight.
Safety Committee
No report
Affiliate Report:
AT&T Mobility:
Arbitration update: The Local grieved the Unjust 15-day suspension of long term technician Steven Wood over two minor motor vehicle accidents in a 3 year period. We were notified on March 23rd that the case was approved for Arbitration by Pat Telesco from the CWA. The case will now be turned over to the CWA attorneys.
The National Union reached a 1-year extension with ATT Mobility extending the Orange Contract until February of 2022.
Town of Bristol:
The parties reached an agreement on a 3-year contract which will terminate on December 31, 2022. Highlights include 2% raises each year of the contract and no changes to the Health insurance benefits.
City of Canandaigua PBA:
No new information to report
Town of Greece
Gold Badge Club:
GR: GB-00-126-19: On August 10, 2019 the PD violated the CBA by not posting Special event overtime. The Union is waiting on a response from the Chief and Attorney to draft a new MOU resolving the issues.
Greece Part Time Unit:
The Unit has been without a contract for 6 years. We sent a proposal to the Town two weeks ago around November 7th for their consideration and haven’t received a response back.
On April 27th and May 8th the Town sent notices to 19 out of 21 members that they’ve been laid off and advised them that it could be permanent.
GPT-53-20: The Union filed a grievance on May 26th, 2020 in regards to the Towns refusal to pay out accrued vacation time for a layoff. The Towns position is that the contract doesn’t state that they have to pay it out for Layoffs. The Unions position is that the employees have been terminated and the Town needs to pay it out. The Town has denied the Grievance at step 1 and 2 and the Union has requested a step 3 meeting.
- The Town has paid out vacation accruals and given notice that jobs are being eliminated
Lawsuits: The Union filed with the Monroe County Supreme court that the Layoffs Were done improperly. A hearing awaits.
- The Union also filed with NYS PERB that the Town failed to negotiated the Layoffs. Issue still pending.
Town of Greece Crossing Guards:
The Crossing guards have been without a contract since January of 2014.
Greece Lighthouse:
A recent update was mailed to all the members on September 29th, 2020 which provided grievance updates and updates on the situation in the Courts where an investigation is currently being conducted by the Office of Administration of the NYS judicial system. An updated grievance log is presented below.
G-00-106-19: The Town has refused to meet with us at the first Step and Second Step of the grievance process violating the CBA. The Union has submitted the case to Arbitration. The Arbitration is scheduled for April 19, 2021. The Parties settled short of an arbitration hearing and the PERB charge associated with the grievance. The Town has agreed to hold Second step meetings.
G00-108-20: On or about August 1st, Shannon Barry changed the work schedules for employees in the court in violation of the CBA. Status – still pending.
G00-109-20: On or about August 1st, 2020, the Town has failed to pay employees working in the court overtime in violation of the CBA.
G00-110-20: On or about August 1st, 2020, court clerks Andrea Chatterton and Lily Pavlovych had additional judges assigned to them vs appointed judges that they work with. The additional assignments have unfairly impeded their ability to take breaks and lunch breaks causing undue stress and violates NYS Labor law.
G00-111-20: On or about August 1st, 2020, court clerks have been unfairly assigned the duties of the bailiffs who were seasonal employees by the Town.
G00-112-20: On or about middle of July 2020. Lisa Capuano-Serret was unfairly transferred to the Police Dept. and them replaced by a new hire in the court.
G00-113-20: On or about July 15th, 2020, Lisa Capuano-Serret was transferred to the Police Dept in order to punish Linda Ferraro causing unfair working conditions as Linda had to pick up many of her assignments.
G00-114-20: On or about August 1st, 2020 the Town implemented flexible work schedules in violation of the CBA.
G00-115-20: On or about August 27th, several employees reported to the Union that they are being treated unfairly in their working conditions by being subjected to a hostile work environment by Shannon Barry, office manager of court employees.
G00-116-20: On October 26th the Town issued Stacy Burke an unfair, unjust five-day suspension.
G00-117-20: On October 26th the Town issued Lily Pavlovych an unfair, unjust five-day suspension. The parties settled the grievance. The Town agreed to rescind the 5-day suspension and make the employee whole.
G00-118-20: On October 26th, the Town issued Linda Ferraro an unfair, unjust five-day suspension.
G00-119-20: On October 26th, the Town issued Andrea Chatterton an unfair, unjust five-day suspension. The Town agreed to rescind the 5-day suspension and make the employee whole.
G00-120-20: On November 10th, the Town unfairly and unjustly terminated Linda Ferraro. The arbitration is scheduled for June 1st and June 2nd.
G00-121-20: On November 9th, the Town unfairly and unjustly terminated Stacy Burke.
G00-122-20: Since on or about September 21st, the work schedules have changed weekly, sometimes daily, when not provided in a timely manner causing unfair working conditions.
G00-123-21: The Town unjustly and unfairly fired Christian Biancardi. The Union has requested Arbitration on the matter.
All of the above grievances have been submitted to NYS PERB for a panel of Arbitrators Excluding the Andrea Chatterton and Lily Pavlovych 5-day suspensions which have been resolved rescinding the warnings and suspensions.
Arbitration Updates:
PERB Charges:
A charge has been filed with PERB that the Town has interfered with a member’s rights when it comes to Union activities. The Union and the Town have reached a settlement that The Town will not interfere in a member’s rights and post a notice.
Another charge has been filed in regards to the Town unilaterally refusing to meet when presented with a grievance.
City of Canandaigua DPW:
Town of Canandaigua Employees Highway Association:
Town of Henrietta:
Contract negotiations:
10 meetings have been held between the union and the Town to begin negotiations for a successor agreement to the current one which expires on December 31, 2020. Housekeeping items have been discussed to this point. Package proposals have been exchanged between the Union and the Town and negotiations have been progressing very slowly. There are some serious issues that the sides are apart on and Impasse maybe called very soon.
Grievances filed:
H00-557-20: The Town has violated the CBA by not paying employees the appropriate fatigue time rate on October 30th, 2020. The Town has submitted a settlement for the Union to review. The parties have settled the grievance.
H00-558-21: On or about January 15th, the Union became aware that the Town did not provide Mr. McKenzie his vacation allotment for year 2021 on January 1st in violation of the CBA. The Union has closed the Grievance as Mr. McKenzie was credited with his vacation.
H00-559-21: On or about January 15th, the Union became aware that the Town did not make HRA contributions for those that opt out of Town Sponsored Health insurance. The Union accepted the Towns offer to grandfather Pogal and Sossong as they were grandfathered under the former opt out language.
H00-560-21: On or about January 15th, the Union became aware that the Town took carry over vacation away from employees who were out of work due to Covid-19 positive tests. The Union settled the grievance with the Town.
In February a Maintenance Equipment Operator who was a probationary employee was terminated for unsatisfactory work performance.
August 28, 2020 the Town and the Union agreed to a new MOA to flex scheduling for inside employees if to care for a child whose school or place of care were closed due to Covid 19 related reasons.
April 19th, 2021 an MOU was agreed to for the year 2021 in regards to summer hours.
Village of Waterloo PBA:
In November 2020 the Village and the PBA agreed on a new 4-year agreement to be effective January 1, 2021. Health Insurance benefits will remain the same and the officers negotiated 3% increases for the 4 years.
Gr: WPD 00-10-21 The Union grieved that on or about February 3rd, 2021 the village violated the CBA when it paid out a prorated amount of vacation and possibly other benefits allotted to officers Higgins and Vasquez for 2020. The parties settled at 1st step with the Village agreeing to pay out unused vacation for 2020 to the officers.
Town of Gates Full time:
The Town and the Union agreed on a new two-year agreement, that calls for wage increases of 2.95% for each year. The Union also bargained to keep the same health insurance program in place with no additional cost shifting of premiums.
The Contract has been proofed and signed: