October 16, 2018 President’s Report
Frontier Updates:
Membership Counts by Title as of 09/30/18
Title | Count |
Total | 339 |
Cable Splicers | 09 |
Comm. Coordinators I | 21 |
Comm. Coordinators II | 1 |
Comm. Coordinators III | 7 |
Comm. Clerks | 9 |
Desk Techs | 67 |
Garage Mechanics | 3 |
Line/Splicers | 14 |
Network Techs | 70 |
Power and Bldg Techs | 7 |
Sales and Svc Techs | 133 |
Date | Name | Title |
2/21/18 | Ken Miller | Desk Tech |
Date | Name | Title |
1/5/18 | Ken Guarino | Network/carrier |
1/5/18 | Don Sharon | Network/carrier |
1/5/18 | Mark Rose | Network/switch |
1/5/18 | Walt Piskorowski | Network/carrier |
1/5/18 | Mary Jane Linehan | Network/switch |
1/5/18 | Mark Bauman | Network/switch |
1/5/18 | Richard Bills | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Charles Lapple | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Jeff Leshner | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Robert Brown Jr. | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Robert Battaglia | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | John Lester | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Jerry Fortman | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Tom Tartaglia | Sales and Service tech |
1/5/18 | Wordene Day | Comm. Coordinator II |
1/5/18 | Mary Maslyn | Comm. Clerk |
1/5/18 | Sandra Strothers | Comm. Clerk |
1/5/18 | Doug Perrine | Cable Splicer |
3/31/18 | Mavis Lockett | Comm. Coor. 1 |
5/31/18 | Karl Wittman | Network/PBX Tech |
Voluntary Severance
Date | Name | Title |
1/5/18 | Dave DeRoller | Sales and Service |
9/30/18 | Charlie Rudat | Desk Tech |
9/30/18 | Michael Bopp | Desk Tech |
Date | Name | Title |
4/28/18 | Guy Marble | Cable Splicer |
4/19/18 | Marnye Knight | Desk Tech |
LTD Absences
Name | Title |
Mike Dugo | Sales and Service tech |
Laura Feathers | Network/Carrier |
Robert Mattern | Sales and Service tech |
Don Maeske | Sales and Service tech |
Frontier 2nd Step Grievance Meetings:
August 28.2018 Grievance committee in attendance: John Pusloskie, Sue Phillips, Rich Winter and Kevin Blazey.
Gr: 7-1483-18 The Company has violated the contract by changing the method of payment from cash to Visa card on employee sales. As of September 19th we haven’t’ received a response.
Gr: 7-1484-17 The Company violated the contract when it hired a contractor to repair the central office ladder. As of September 19th we haven’t received a response.
September 25th, 2018 Grievance committee in attendance: John Pusloskie, Andy Cimino, Sue Phillips, Carl Ellis, Rich Winter, and Engineering clerk Nancy Diliberto Arena.
Gr: 3-4163-18 The Company has violated the June 1, 2017 MOA on Engineering clerks work by not moving the work from Pennsylvania as agreed and not routing certain final posting work. Also discussed was the Company’s intent to automate pre posting. It was agreed to hold the grievance in abeyance pending another meeting.
Closed Out:
Grievance 2-2589-18 Unjust written warning James Wojtarowicz without precedent and prejudice.
Grievance 2-2584-18 Disparity of treatment emergency vacation days.
Grievance 2-2587-18 Unjust verbal warning Tim Gross.
Grievance 2-2588-18 Unjust verbal warning Charlie Rudat.
Arbitration Update Frontier:
- Transfer of bargaining unit work due to M6 Conversion.
- The National Labor Relations board has issued a complaint in regards to the Unfair Labor charge failure to provide information M6. The Company provided the final information as of March 21st. The charge has been settled and the Union is moving forward with the arbitration.
- The first day of hearing was September 21st at W.Henrietta Rd. We spent two hours of the day trying to reach settlement, which wasn’t accomplished. The Union put on its opening argument and first witness John Pusloskie, President CWA Local 1170. The next day of hearing are scheduled for November 29th and 30th.
- Grievance 7-1476-17 Unjust termination James Everts request arbitration 2/2/18.
- The arbitration has been approved by our CWA Staff Rep and the CWA District 1 office. The case has been assigned to CWA attorney Nick Hanlon and is moving forward.
- Grievance 7-1477-17 Unjust termination Peter Loss request arbitration 2/2/18.
- The arbitration has been approved by our CWA Staff Rep and the CWA District 1 office. The case has been assigned to CWA attorney Nick Hanlon and is moving forward.
- Grievance 7-1479-18 Unilateral change to Long term disability income capping it at $3,000 per month. The grievance was protected for arbitration on May 15, 2018 and is now in the CWA review process.
- John Pusloskie, Andy Cimino and CWA Rep Shawn Leblanc met with Frontier HR Manager Tracy Owen on October 10th and are trying to get the Company to agree to settle the matter.
- Grievance 2-2585-18 Unjust Layoff of Network tech Ernie Magar NCS 8/15/2016. The Local requested arbitration on June 21st, 2018. Sue Phillips has taken the lead on investigating and presenting this case.
- Grievance 7-1482-18 Unjust termination of Desk Tech Marnye Knight on April 19th, 2018. The Local requested arbitration on August 15th, 2018 protecting time limits.
- Grievance 7-1481-18 On September 5th the Union requested arbitration on the Company failing to provide paychecks on time.
- John Pusloskie, Andy Cimino and CWA Rep Shawn Leblanc met on October 10th with Frontier HR Manager Tracy Owen to settle the matter.
- Grievance 3-4162-18 On August 31st the Union requested arbitration on Frontier contractors, management and other employees performing clerical work.
- Grievance 7-327-18 and 7-328-18 On August 31st the Union requested arbitration on Overtime administration violations involving Lead Man status.
- On October 10th, 2018 the Grievances were settled with the Company agreeing to provide 12 hour overtime makeups to Sales and Service techs Brian Hart, John Gardner, John Fridd, and Tim Wallace.
Take the Lead Sales Monthly Reports
Referrals Sales Total Revenue Annualized Revenue
YTD 7/31 396 212 $311,493 $153,533
June 49 26 $50,319 $23,439
July 39 25 $52,806 $23,702
Managerial Changes
Julie Murtagh has been announced as the new Sr. VP of Operations for the East Region.
Lyle Fell CNOC manager resigned effective April 30th.
Chris Levandos Sr. VP operations has resigned effective 5/31/18
Farrah Mollo Lead Corporate attorney has resigned effective 6/6/18
George Madison has been named Manager replacing Lyle Fell effective July 2018
Commercial NOC Center:
Monthly Collaboration Meeting October 16th 2018. For the Union; John Pusloskie, Demiah Smith, Diane Pappas. For the Company; George Madison, Ross Serafino, The Following items were addressed.
- Lindsey Fisher Tour not consistent with the schedule
- Schedule working 4pm to midnight, actually working noon to 4pm.
- Rad Upgrades – assigned to Tim Gross, He will be doing new software code 5.9 revisions, Next year 6.1 software codes will be assigned to someone else. George Madison- management will decide how to do this.
- Management putting out daily stats causing morale issues. The Union asked to reconsider this go monthly and talk to employees directly
- Acting Management- Acting management positions to be for 30 day time periods.
- Need to work to improve morale.
Frontier Updates:
- September 30th Desk Techs Charlie Rudat and Mike Bopp agreed to accept a voluntary severance package and last day of work was the 30th. We did not have any other takers.
- Communications Coordinator 1 Laurie Robertson has transferred to Communications Coordinator 3, engineering clerk to backfill for Mavis Lockett
- On September 21st, the first day of hearings took place at W.Henrietta Rd. concerning the movement of bargaining unit work due to the implementation of M6. President John Pusloskie, and stewards Carl Ellis, Ron Eygabroad and 1170 member Mike Miceli were present on behalf of the Union to assist CWA Attorney Atul Atwar. The Union met with the Company and spent two hours trying to reach a settlement, which proved unsuccessful. The Union made its opening and President Pusloskie was the first witness. November 29th and 30th have been schedule to resume the arbitration.
- The Union sent notification to Human Resource manager Tracy Owen on September 7th that we have not been receiving the information on contracting according to the contract and we will be moving forward to enforce the contract. On September 17th we received part of the information that we were requesting. Subsequently the Company has provided more information. We met on October 10th to discuss further and the format that we need to receive the information in.
- Call out Settlement agreement update: As of September 10th 50 techs have received opportunities for overtime makeups, 92 techs in total are to receive opportunities of 12 hours each. The Company has until December 12th to offer them or payout the techs.
- Addressed management harassment issue in the buildings department, put HR on notice that were not going to accept this.
- Working on putting a training program together for Fiber splicing for the members
Safety Committee
No report
Affiliate Report:
AT&T Mobility:
ATT declared a force reduction in August eliminating 2200 positions nationwide, which compromised the Sales Support position. Under the provisions of the job security negotiated in the last CBA, the impacted members were offered jobs in the Stores that they worked in. We had three members impacted, One Jim Dupre decided to retire, Rob DeRosa and Sherri Borelli have decided to take jobs as Retail Sales Consultants in the stores that they worked in. They will be afforded New Hire ramp up in regards to sales quotas.
A nationwide investigation is going on in regards to charge backs. We’ve had several members disciplined and a charge was filed by 1170 officer Rich Winter with the NLRB over AT&T’s failure to provide information that had been requested and the Company considered non relevant.
ATT-219-18 The Company unjustly terminated Patti Ross’s health insurance benefits.
The grievance is still pending as we wait for the Company’s response to Ms. Ross’s employment status.
ATT-221-18 Kelli Pilaroscia was unfairly denied Paid Family Leave and unjust disciplined in the attendance program. A first step meeting was held and AT&T has denied the Grievance. A second meeting was held on June 29th with Ben Marcello and Stephen Papageorge with AT&T. The Company agreed to remove the points, leaving the issue of pay. We’re waiting on the Company to resolve the pay issue.
ATT – 222-18. Unjust final warning Tim Spaker. The Union filed a grievance concerning the discipline and unfair investigation. We have also filed a charge with the National Labor Relations board in regards to the Company’s failure to provide information concerning the investigation as of September 13th. A second step grievance meeting was heard on September 19th. The Company agreed to reduce the final written warning to a written warning.
City of Canandaigua PBA:
The Canandaigua PBA filed a demand to bargain with Chief Hedworth on June 14th over the implementation of body cameras. The Union has requested the assistance of Cathy Creighton for representation purposes on the matter. If the City refuses to bargain we intend to file an improper practice charge vs. the City.
As a result of our demand to bargain and subsequent negotiations we reached a signed agreement on August 23rd, 2018. We were able to get General Order 254 Body warn cameras modified after several negotiations sessions with the Chief and City. Both sides have reserved their positions in regards to any future changes to the General Order by the Chief. The Unions position being that it is a subject mandatory for bargaining. I would like to commend officers Liberatore and Gregorio for their help in getting to a final settlement.
Town of Greece:
Gold Badge Club:
A vacancy has been posted by the Chief as of August 31st, 2018 for a detective assigned to task force officer assigned to the United States Drug enforcement agency. Discussion has come up with regards to who is eligible to fill vacancy.
Greece Part Time Unit:
We have received an offer from the Towns attorney in regards to the contract that expired December 31st 2013 and are in the process of making a counter offer.
Town of Greece Crossing Guards:
Sharon DeLucia termination: Jonathan Johnsen attorney argued the case on September 10th at the appellate division of the State Supreme court. We are expecting a decision within 30 days on whether the Arbitrators decision to bring Sharon back to work with full back pay will be enforced.
Greece Lighthouse:
The Union has grieved that member Susan Duggan was improperly laid off. The Town has denied the grievance at second step. The Grievance has been closed by the Union as of September 17, 2018 without precedent or prejudice.
A meet and greet of the full timers and part timers was held on May 10th at the Ridgemont country club. The following was addressed.
- The Janus Supreme Court Decision impact on Public Sector employees
- The Locals Dental plan and new network
- Town of Greece contracts
- Good and Welfare
The Union got involved in the administration of a Last Chance Agreement with one of the employees. We had counsel review and provide guidance on the agreement
City of Canandaigua DPW:
Nothing new to report
Town of Canandaigua Employees Highway Association:
On September 19th the Union and the Town agreed on the framework for a new 4 year contract that would begin January 1, 2019. Some of the highlights are listed below.
- Year contract ending December 31st, 2022
- 2% raises on January 1st each year of contract
- Maintained employee cost sharing at 5%, 10%, or 15% depending on Bronze, Silver or Gold plan. The employees will contribute 15% to future increases from current 10%.
- New Work boot allowance: The Town will cover $150 per pair of boots two times per 12 month period.
- Maintained jurisdiction over part time employees which the town proposed to remove.
- Volunteer firefighters will be allowed to report to fires during work hours without having to utilize their paid time off.
Town of Henrietta:
The Union and the Town negotiated an agreement flexing the hours of those employees in the Recreation center in August. This was initiated by the Town in order to bring a new Rec Leader on board to run the Gymnastics program.
The Union and the Town have negotiated a new wage schedule as of 8/3/18 to place Maintenance Mechanic 1 job title in the CBA. It will be listed as group 8.5.
The Union and the Town have discussed the issue of funding the HSA accounts for new hires as it was silent in the contract. Once an agreement has been reached, it will be posted.
The Union and the town have been discussion for some time the creation of another dispatcher position to work 3pm-11pm to allow Joe Larocca to transfer to the highway department. The position was filled as of September 17th and after a year of discussions was able to bring the issue to a conclusion.
The Town has hired 3 new employees Since August 1st which the Union has met with and provided an orientation of the contract they are the following:
Catherine Dubrek – engineering department
Jackie Kitto – Recreation Leader
Suzanne Reitschky – Night dispatcher
Village of Waterloo PBA:
- A tentative agreement has been reached as of February 20th. The agreement is retroactive back to June 1st 2017 expiring May 31st, 20121. The agreement provides for the following.
- Wages: June 1, 2017 – $.80 per hour, June 1, 2018 – $.70 per hour, June 1, 2019-$.75 per hour, June 1, 2020 – $.80 per hour.
- Vacation: increase of two days after 20 years.
- Health insurance: Increase employee contributions to the following amounts.
- 2017- 15%, 2018 – 17%, 2019 – 19%, 2020- 20%
Town of Gates:
The Union reached a tentative agreement on October 9th that includes the following.
3 year contract
Wages 2.95% each year.
New provision to bridge prior time after 6 months of service.
Political Action Committee:
ByLaw committee – Changes proposed still in committee for review.
CWA Local 1170 Retirement plan for Frontier members: A list of members who have no beneficiary form on file was put on the website on October 8th. An email was sent out to all members as well as an update on the tape. As of October 15th only 4 members have responded to this important request.
A mobilizers meeting for Frontier was held on October 11th at the Union Hall. Over 30 members were in attendance to discuss issues with Frontier and mobilizing issues.