AT&T Bargaining Report #60
AT&T Mobility Orange Contract 2017 Bargaining: Report 60
November 7, 2017CWA and AT&T Bargaining Committees met in New Jersey today where AT&T finally properly passed us their “Final Offer” proposal package, which contains details of the so-called highlights which they have been emailing to you the membership since last week.
We had hoped AT&T was done playing games and was sincere in getting down to real
negotiating. Instead, shortly after our bargaining session today, they emailed more fake news about their employment security commitment offer to you. Here are the details they left out:
- In today’s fake NEWS NOW, they said “if a call center or retail store closing results in a surplus, employees will be guaranteed a job offer in our Mobility business”. The truth is the job literally can be anywhere in the country. There is no limit on distance.
- If you work in a Call Center where multiple job duties are performed, and specific functions of that Call Center are outsourced that result in a surplus of any title and the Center remains open, then no one is protected under this proposal.
- If the company decides to surplus the Sales Support Representative (SSR) title, and the store remains open, no one is protected in their proposal.
- Did they mention that the job offer will only be made if the “Employee is meeting expectations and must be qualified, as determined by management.”
- If you are lucky to receive a job offer, they will give you 1 day to decide if you want to accept the offer or it will be considered you rejected the offer.
- While today’s email states that their offer means “employees will be guaranteed a job offer;” the real truth is the proposal says: “If a job offer is not made within 6 months from the date the employee is notified of the surplus, the employee will continue under the terms of Article 14, Force Adjustment,” which means if they don’t have a job to offer you within 6 months, you take your severance and leave. This is not a guaranteed job.
- They also have a section in there that says that the company retains the right in its sole discretion to cancel or suspend employment security commitment at any time due to business conditions.
Your Bargaining Committee is reviewing the entire company package and preparing comprehensive response that will adequately address your needs. Don’t be fooled into believing that the company’s propaganda has your best interest at heart.
Bargaining is set to resume tomorrow. WHEN WE FIGHT WE WIN!!
In Solidarity,
The CWA Bargaining Committee