Affiliate Update and AT&T Mobility
Affiliate Update
Town of Greece
Gold Badge Club: The Current CBA terminates December 31, 2017
The Union has sent a request to bargain requesting dates.
Greece Part Time Unit
The Town reneged on the Tentative Agreement reached on April 13th. The parties went back to the State Mediator on June 26th with no progress. The state mediator suggested fact finding as the parties next option. The current CBA expired on December 31, 2013. The Union is in the process of requesting fact finding from the head of state Mediation board.
Town of Greece Crossing Guards
Arbitration hearing concerning the unjust dismissal of Sharon Delucia concluded on Monday of April 25th, 2016. The Union received a decision sustaining the grievance ordering the grievant back to work and full back pay. The Town has refused to comply with the arbitrator’s decision.
Update: The Town appealed the Arbitrators decision to State Supreme court where the Judge has issued a ruling that is somewhat unclear. The Judge overturned the Arbitrators decision based on the grievant not having arbitration rights under the CBA but directed the case back to Arbitration. The Union plans on appealing the decision.
Contract Negotiations: Contract negotiations started on a successor agreement, which expired on December 31st. The Town has demanded major concessions as part of this negotiation.
The Parties went back to mediation for a second time at the end of June and were still unsuccessful in reaching an agreement.
Greece Lighthouse Association
The 2017-2019 CBA has been fully executed and signed
City of Canandaigua
City of Canandaigua DPW
The Union and the City reached a new 5-year agreement on May 4th 2017. The Union preserved the current health insurance plan and agreed to modest increases in the monthly premiums by 1% per year.
The City is contemplating contracting out work associated with street lighting. The Union is consulting with attorneys on whether to file a PERB charge.
Democrat and Chronicle Mailers: The contract is now one year past expiration. The Company gave us its last and final offer with no movement.
As of August 16th no updates to report.
Dan Maloney President of Rochester Labor Council sent a letter to the head of operations stating that they were watching negotiations closely.
City of Canandaigua PBA
In February the members reached a 5 year agreement with the following highlights
Wages: 2,2, 2,1.75, 1.75
Health care: Maintained plan with change to cost sharing: 11%, 12%, 13%, 14%, and 15%.
The Contract has been fully executed.
Town of Henrietta
The Union received the arbitrator’s award following the hearing that took place on May 5th. The Arbitrator ruled in the Towns favor. As a result it has been determined that the Long Term Disability benefit is 165 Calendar days and not workdays.
The contract has been completed and signed.
Town of Canandaigua
Town of Canandaigua employees Highway association
The Town and the Union reached a tentative agreement on June 28th. The agreement is for 2 years with wage increases in the first year of 1.75%, and 2% in the second year. The agreement has been ratified by the members and is waiting approval from the Town board. Update, the agreement is to go before the Town board on August 21st.
Village of Waterloo PBA
We’ve had one meeting and the tone of negotiations wasn’t good, as they want to shift health insurance costs and do away with retiree health insurance for new hires.
Negotiations will begin shortly for our represented workers in the following places.
Town of Conesus
Town of Bristol
Town of Groveland
AT&T Mobility
Settled Paul Penna unjust termination settlement for a monetary payout
Strike: The Union took 21,000 workers out on strike from May 19th-21st in a historic strike. Local not one member of 1170 crossed.
Contract negotiations have been going no where since January. The Union and the Company have met over 40 times with little progress. Future mobilization activities coming.
Mobilization activities will be forth coming as the National representative have urged us to get every member mobilized to improve contract. A new contract will only happen if all the members effectively mobilize and participate.
Key issues
Job security: AT&T continues to move call center jobs overseas and to third party vendors.
Retail work continues to be shifted to authorized dealers with lower wages and benefits.
Technician work: The Union wants to make sure that bargained for techs get a share of the new small cell work.
Commission Plans: AT&T is constantly shifting commissions, leading to less pay each time.
Several ULP charges have been filed on various infractions.