About Us

Your Local Union Representative

CWA LOCAL 1170 – As your local union representative – is always working to identify challenges and achieve solutions that will improve work conditions for all. We hold fast to a commitment to our members to address big challenges in the workplace.

CWA (the Communications Workers of America) represents 700,000 workers in public and private sector employment in the US, Canada, and Puerto Rico in 1,200 chartered CWA local unions. In 10,000 United States communities, CWA members work in information technology, telecommunications, public service, and law enforcement – among other areas.

CWA LOCAL 1170 – We, the Communications Workers of America, believing that as an integral part of society we are entitled to an equitable share in the products of our labor and realizing that our welfare can best be protected and advanced through the united efforts of all workers, do, through this Constitution, under God, seek to form a more perfect means of securing for ourselves and labor generally full enjoyment of the inherent rights and dignities which our institutions were ordained to preserve.

Want to Learn More?

If you want to learn more about how our local union representatives help communications workers improve conditions through union standards that benefit all, please contact us.

Officers & Staff

John Pusloskie, President

John Pusloskie



585.647.1170 or 585.748.7139

Richard Winter, Secretary

Richard Winter

Vice President


585.647.1170 or 585.703.4185

Sue Phillips, Treasurer

Sue Phillips




Diane Papas




Angela Hill

Office Manager



Latest News

Tape Release 3/19/25

Hello Brothers & Sisters, this is Vice President Rich Winter.  The post office and postal workers are being threatened with being dismantled and privatized. …

March 20, 2025  |  More

Upcoming Events

Local 1170 Retiree Breakfast Gathering

Retiree Breakfast Gathering Sat, April 26th, 2025, 9:30am @ Local 1170 4061 W. Henrietta Rd, Roch, NY 14623 Cost: Free for Club Members $10.00…

April 26, 2025 at 9:30 am  |  More

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